Fundraising Events 


Every couple of years the Garden Club members undertake a large fundraising event to raise funds for a chosen charity or project.

Plans for our 2020 event are underway and news of our next fundraiser will be available soon…

2018            WELLIES & WINE,   JUNE 21, 2018

WOW!  Wellies and Wine was a huge success. Guests enjoyed private tours of Southland’s most stunning gardens followed by an outdoor reception and silent auction.  Proceeds are in support of a beautiful new roof top garden at Covenant House.

Thank you to all our generous sponsors, including those that made donations for the Silent Auction; thank you to everyone who brought and bought those items. The MC, Thomas Hobbs, owner of Southlands Nursery, kept everyone pointed in the right direction. Even the horses listened! Concert Properties was another welcome sponsor. Even Concert’s Chairman of the Board, David Podmore, was spotted with his handy wheel barrow helping with both set-up and dismantling.

A very special thank you to RBC. The Royal Bank of Canada was very supportive in this important fundraising event in aid of Covenant House.

The event raised the $15,000 the Garden Club of Vancouver had committed to the Covenant House’s rooftop garden renovation. Kudos to the garden club’s Fundraising Chair, Janice Podmore, and her dedicated committee.

Note: It is still possible to make a donation to Covenant House. 

Please let us know by email:  
Thank you!


2014    POT PARTY 

This party at Southlands Nursery on Thursday, May 29th, 2014, raised $23,000!. Over the years the Garden Club of Vancouver has hosted many types of events, but always with the same intention; raising money for our worthwhile projects! Here are just a few examples of events we have held over the years.



Gentlemen’s Arrangements!

They were very good sports!

In earlier years … plant sales, etc.