Welcome to

The Garden Club of Vancouver

Honouring Our Past

For over six decades our Garden Club has thrived and grown because of its wonderful and dedicated members. Sadly, many of these women have now left us, but they are not forgotten. Thank you to those who have made an In Memorium gift in their friend’s honour to the Legacy Fund. You, and they are dear to our hearts.

In Memorium

Doris Brown

Pamela Chaun

Johnny Duffus

Mary Hungerford

Vonnie McConnell

Sarah McLoughlin

Mary Newman

Dorina Palmer

Dewey Parker

Joyce Pearkes

Barbara Pendleton

Gail Rogers

Janie Royea

Marjorie-Ann Sauder

Drinda Scott

Mary Ann Stowe

Jane Gunn Warner,

June C. West

Interested in donating to the Legacy Fund?

All donations $20 or more receive a tax receipt from the Vancity Community Foundation. Gifts can be anonymous.


Go to VanCity and click on the GIVE button

By Cheque:

payable to: Vancity Community Foundation, Memo Line: Garden Club of Vancouver Legacy Fund

Mail to: Vancity Community Foundation, Vancity Community Foundation

#409 – 312 Main Street, Vancouver BC V6A 2T2

If wishing to make a Memorial Gift in honour of a special friend and Garden Club member who has passed, you can do so by cheque or online.

Contact Us

To contact the Club please email: contact@thegardenclubofvancouver.ca

To contact the Treasurer please email:  treasurer@thegardenclubofvancouver.ca

Board of Directors


President: Megahn McCarthy
Past President: Shane Thornton, Valerie Prodanuk
Vice President(s): Jeannie Bates, Jill Hopkins, Judy Woodward
Treasurer: Valerie Prodanuk
Recording Secretary: Donna Heinrich


Bulletin: Cora Ashburner, Jeannie Bates
Correspondence: Denise Taylor Ellis
Membership: Gail Brown, Janet Plant, Nancy Edmonds
Meals on Wheels: Daphne Spencer
Membership: Janet Plant, Judy Day
New Member Liason: Nancy Edmonds
Programs: Peggy Heath, Lynn Jones
Refreshments: Betty Pottinger, Lynne Margetts
Website: Ellen Collison, Janice Podmore

Special Committee

Garden Club of Vancouver Legacy Fund:  Kathy Mullen, Janice Podmore

Copyright © 2024 The Garden Club of Vancouver